Wednesday 17 October 2012

Kicking it up a Notch (Bam!)

Yes indeed, things are in motion! Having been given the green light by Dan (The bloke that runs our course) my project, which I have recently named U-F-OMG (Sweet), is in development. I'm writing this post to give you a little update on what I've done so far, and how the project is looking. In the last post I showed off some rather lacking concept art, and now I can show you the genuine article, lovingly and beautifully crafted in the Stencylworks built in editor 'Pencyl'.

Here we have the human, suitably gormless I think you'll agree. At present, he is completely inanimate, which means he just slides about the place like a duck on a frozen pond, however, watch this space *Wink*

This is you, the player. Now, I know it doesn't quite have the personality or 'Cool factor' of say, DMC's Dante or Uncharted's Nathan Drake, but it's got hidden depths, y'know? So currently this bad boy floats about, left to right, above the level raining down hot death on the hapless humans, using the subjugation ray, which brings me to my next point...
The subjugation ray! So far, the only one of my actors that has animation, this little beauty has a blue line running diagonally all down it, which is totally sweet, but completely underwhelming when illustrated here. So these fly about the level, colliding with the humans and causing them to recycle themselves (Whereupon they are placed back into a pool of actors, far less process intensive!) Of course the plan eventually is for them not to kill the humans, just stun them so you can suck them up with your abduction ray, more on that in later updates, hopefully!
And here we have the game in action! This is just a sneak peak of the adrenaline filled thrill ride this game is going to be. (Mayhaps I should stop being so hilariously sarcastic about my game...?) But as I said, this is very early on, with any luck I'll have taught it a few more tricks by the time I next post.
So, that's what's been going on in my Games Dev life, in other news, I made a fantastic Leek and Potato soup yesterday, and the whole of this post was written whilst bobbing along to the Jurassic 5 album 'Power in Numbers'. Hope that's been enlightening! See you next time.

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