Monday 8 October 2012

The day of (hopefully) reckoning

So today is the day that I have been told that all us CGD students will be consorting with the tutors on the course, and hopefully ascertaining whether our ideas are anywhere near promising enough to actually begin designing. Only time will tell whether I actually get to complete any of the projects I have concocted, but until then, here are some pictures of the work I've been doing getting a better idea of the design of my spaceship game.

Here we have a little bit of actor design, I've been trying my best to use straight lines as much as possible as I know I have little to no skill in creating images on the computer. So yeah, very simple models that hopefully wont be too difficult to draw or animate.

This little section highlights the 'capturing humans' mechanic, starting off with hitting them with the subjugation ray and then hoovering them up using the abduction beam. This in turn gains you an amount of 'antibodies' that are used to upgrade your ship and buy more seconds of life.

This is a little mock up of how I hope the game screen will look, in much less detail (Or possibly not, depending on how crap I am at creating artwork) At the moment my plan is to have almost all actors exclusively moving left, with human NPC's reacting to the proximity of the ship by, well, running away.

This has nothing to do with the spaceship game project, but in a moment of uncertainty in regards to just how 'Virusey' the space ship idea was, I set about attempting to creat something a little different. Sort of RISK type gameplay, you play the attacking virus, infecting cells of varying degrees of importance, according to how many antibodies you currently possess. However, strategy is not my strong point, so I am not greatly enthused by this idea, it is simply a bit of musing and possibly a fall back in the worst case scenario, namely, that both my other ideas are declared as unfit for the task.

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