Saturday 24 November 2012

Demo'ed and didn't Die!

This week, minds were blown as a demo version of U-F-OMG was successfully showcased during an AINT102 workshop, giving new insight into the world of the incredibly well crafted, perfectly executed games that I produce!

Sadly, some of that explanation may have been poetic licence. Though I didn't expect it to be a problem, I exported my demo version of the game to a .swf file for the enjoyment of my coursemates and lecturers. This sadly lead to a lot of problems with mouse lag, that, when the game runs in stencylworks, are non-existent. I think these problems stem from my attempt to include more than one human actor type, and from having a quite process intense 'always' event controlling the movement of the human actors. In response to this I have made a couple of fixes in the last week (22/11/2012), namely;

  • Returning to using only one type of human actor
  • Modifying the human movement AI in order to use an 'Every n seconds' event rather than an 'Always' event, meaning they check to see where the player ship is every second
I also recieved some feedback from other students and lecturers in the form of a google docs questionnaire (An idea that was blatantly stolen from me), the results of which have been made available to me now. According to that feedback and my own plans I will be continuing to develop the game over the next weeks and planning to deliver a finished prototype by the tenth of december. For the mean time, take a look at the recording taken of some demo play of the game, lag free due to being run in stencyl.

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